About Florida

Alcohol & Drugs

Alcohol Regulations

In Florida, alcohol consumption is legal for individuals aged 21 and above. However, strict regulations govern its sale, consumption, and transportation. Licensed establishments, such as bars, restaurants, and liquor stores, must adhere to stringent guidelines to ensure responsible alcohol service. These guidelines include verifying the age of customers, limiting serving sizes, and training staff in responsible alcohol service practices.

Florida enforces a “zero-tolerance” policy for driving under the influence (DUI). Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limits are set at 0.08% for individuals aged 21 and above, while drivers under 21 face a BAC limit of 0.02%. Violators of these limits face severe penalties, including license suspension, fines, mandatory DUI education programs, and even imprisonment in certain cases.

Drugs and Controlled Substances

Florida, like the rest of the United States, has strict regulations surrounding the possession, sale, and use of controlled substances. The state classifies drugs into different schedules based on their potential for abuse and medical use. Schedule I drugs, such as heroin and LSD, are considered to have a high potential for abuse and no recognized medical value, and their possession is strictly prohibited. Other schedules classify drugs based on their relative potential for abuse and accepted medical use.

Florida law also addresses the use of prescription drugs. It is illegal to use prescription drugs without a valid prescription, and the unauthorized sale or distribution of prescription medications is a criminal offense. The state actively works to combat prescription drug abuse through educational programs, monitoring databases, and strict enforcement.

The Florida Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1971 aims to reduce drug abuse and addiction by implementing various measures, including prevention programs, treatment facilities, and legal consequences for drug offenses. These efforts seek to protect public health and ensure that individuals struggling with substance abuse have access to the support they need.

Florida recognizes the need to regulate alcohol and drug use to safeguard public safety and promote responsible consumption. Through a combination of strict laws, education, and enforcement, the state strives to strike a balance between recreational freedom and societal well-being.

By imposing age restrictions and holding establishments accountable for responsible alcohol service, Florida seeks to prevent underage drinking and promote the responsible consumption of alcohol. Stringent DUI laws send a clear message that impaired driving will not be tolerated, protecting both residents and visitors on the state’s roads.

Protect individuals

Regarding drugs, Florida’s regulations aim to curb drug abuse, prevent illegal distribution, and ensure access to appropriate medical treatments. By classifying drugs into schedules and enforcing penalties for unauthorized use and distribution, the state aims to deter drug-related crimes and promote public health.

While restrictions on alcohol and drug use may appear restrictive to some, they serve as vital measures to protect individuals, communities, and the overall well-being of Florida’s residents and visitors. By finding the right balance between personal freedom and public safety, the Sunshine State maintains an environment that allows residents and visitors to enjoy its many attractions responsibly.


Best Time to Visit and Hurricane Season Precautions

One of the key factors to consider when planning a trip to Orlando is its weather.

Orlando enjoys a subtropical climate, characterized by hot and humid summers, and mild winters. The city experiences abundant sunshine throughout the year, making it an attractive destination for outdoor activities. However, it is essential to note that the weather in Orlando can be highly unpredictable. There can be sudden changes occurring even within a day.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Orlando largely depends on personal preferences and priorities. The peak tourist season occurs during the summer months, from June to August when schools are on summer break. These months offer the advantage of long days, warm temperatures, and a plethora of events and attractions. However, the summer season also brings higher humidity levels and frequent afternoon thunderstorms, which can disrupt outdoor plans.

For those seeking a more pleasant climate, the shoulder seasons of spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) are excellent choices. During these periods, the weather is relatively mild. It has average temperatures ranging from the low 70s to the mid-80s Fahrenheit (low 20s to mid-30s Celsius). The city is less crowded, and the hotel rates are often more affordable.

Winter in Orlando (December to February) is generally mild, with temperatures ranging from the 50s to the 70s Fahrenheit (10s to 20s Celsius). While it may not be as warm as summer, it is still comfortable for outdoor activities. Winter is also the time for various holiday-themed events and festivities. This attracts visitors who wish to experience the magic of the season.

Hurricane Season Precautions

Because Orlando is located in a region that is susceptible to hurricanes, you need to stay informed. The Atlantic hurricane season officially runs from June 1st to November 30th. It is crucial to be aware of the potential risks. Take necessary precautions if you plan to visit during this period.

Definitely, stay updated daily with the weather forecasts. Keep a close eye on any potential storms or hurricanes that may be forming. The National Hurricane Center provides reliable and up-to-date information regarding hurricane activity. If a hurricane is forecasted to affect the region, it is advisable to follow the instructions issued by local authorities, including evacuation orders if necessary.

When booking accommodations, ensure that you choose a reputable hotel or resort that has proper hurricane preparedness measures in place, including sturdy construction and emergency plans.

Stay informed

So, the weather in Orlando offers a mix of sunshine, warmth, and occasional rain showers throughout the year. The best time to visit depends on personal preferences, with summer attracting crowds but also offering longer days and various events, while spring and autumn provide milder weather and fewer tourists. Winter offers a comfortable climate and holiday festivities.

However, it is essential to remain vigilant during the hurricane season, which lasts from June to November. Stay informed about potential storms, follow official instructions, and choose accommodations with adequate hurricane preparedness plans. By considering these factors, you can make the most of your visit to Orlando and enjoy all the attractions this vibrant city has to offer.


Facts about Florida

  • The surface of Florida is 170,304 square kilometers.
  • No less than 17.9% of Florida’s surface consists of water.
  • The highest point in Florida is Britton Hill (105 meters).
  • Florida ranks 4th on the list of most populous states (US).
  • Florida has over 15,000 miles of highways.
  • There are 57 national parks in Florida.
  • Florida has more than 18 million inhabitants.
  • On average, Florida is hit by a hurricane 0.7 times a year.

Important Dates

  • Florida was discovered by Juan Ponce de León in the year 1513.
  • Spain sold Florida to the United States in 1819.
  • The state of Florida joined the United States of America on March 3, 1845.
  • Hurricane Andrew devastated southern Florida on August 24, 1992.
  • Florida played a decisive role in George W. Bush’s election victory in 2000.

Other interesting facts

  • Florida is the 27th state to join the United States of America.
  • Florida consists of 67 counties.
  • The name Florida comes from the Spanish La Florida, which literally means “The Flowery.”
  • Florida has two time zones: UTC-5 and UTC-6.
  • Florida is the most southeastern state of the United States.
  • Jacksonville is the largest city in terms of population in Florida.
  • The South Florida Metropolitan Area is the largest metropolis in Florida.
  • Approximately one-fifth of the population speaks Spanish as their first language.
  • The main source of income is tourism.
  • Florida harvests almost three-quarters of all citrus fruits consumed in the US.

Gratuity and Tips

When dining out or enjoying a service, it’s customary to leave a gratuity or tip to show appreciation for the service provided. In Florida, like in many other places, tipping is an essential part of the culture, and understanding the etiquette surrounding gratuity is important to ensure a positive experience for both customers and service providers.

In Florida, the standard practice for tipping at restaurants is generally 15% to 20% of the total bill before taxes. However, it’s important to note that gratuity is discretionary and can vary based on the level of service received. If the service was exceptional, customers may choose to leave a higher percentage to express their gratitude.

In some cases, restaurants may automatically add a gratuity to the bill for larger parties. This is often done to ensure fairness and avoid confusion among group members when it comes to calculating the tip. When an automatic gratuity is added, it is usually stated clearly on the menu or bill.

It’s worth mentioning that tipping extends beyond restaurants in Florida. From hotel staff to cab drivers, it’s customary to tip for various services. For hotel housekeeping, a typical tip is $2 to $5 per night, while bellhops or luggage handlers generally receive $1 to $2 per bag. Taxi or rideshare drivers are typically tipped around 15% of the fare, but rounding up the amount is also common.

Highly appreciated

In recent years, there has been some debate about the practice of tipping, with discussions around fair wages and the potential for wage disparities among service staff. While the tipping system remains prevalent, it’s important to be mindful of the potential impact of these debates on the industry and the individuals providing the services.

When it comes to tipping in Florida, it’s crucial to remember that gratuity is not mandatory, but it is highly appreciated. It’s a way to acknowledge and reward excellent service. If you receive subpar service, it’s appropriate to adjust the tip accordingly or speak with a manager about any concerns you may have had during your visit.

In conclusion, tipping in Florida is customary and an important part of the service industry. By understanding the general guidelines and being considerate of the service you receive, you can ensure a positive experience for both yourself and the service provider. Remember, tipping is a way to express your appreciation, and a little extra kindness can go a long way in making someone’s day.


The Dollar

The dollar, denoted by the symbol “$,” is one of the most recognizable and widely used currencies in the world.

Banknotes come in various denominations, including $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. These banknotes not only serve as a medium of exchange but also reflect the cultural heritage of the nation, featuring notable figures such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Benjamin Franklin.

Coins are the penny (1 cent), nickel (5 cents), dime (10 cents), quarter (25 cents), and the rarely seen half-dollar (50 cents) and dollar coins. Coins are not only used for everyday transactions but also hold a numismatic appeal for collectors due to their historical significance and rarity.

ATM and Visa

ATMs allow individuals to access their bank accounts and conduct various financial transactions conveniently. With a simple swipe of a debit or credit card and the input of a personal identification number (PIN), users can withdraw cash, check their account balances, transfer funds, and even deposit money.

With a Visa debit or credit card, users can make transactions globally, both in-person and online, with ease and convenience.

Sales Tax

Sales tax in the USA is a consumption-based tax imposed by state and local governments on the purchase of goods and services. The tax rate varies by jurisdiction and can range from 0% to over 10%. Unlike income tax, sales tax is collected at the point of sale, typically by the seller, and the revenue generated is used to fund public services and infrastructure. Sales tax is not uniform across all states, and some states exempt certain goods or impose additional taxes on specific items such as gasoline or tobacco.